In The Name Of Allah

In The Name Of Allah

Imam Sadiq University

Imam Sadiq University

webinar on Being-centered Leadership Theory

webinar on Being-centered Leadership Theory

The 10th HudHud International webinar on “Religion and Management”

The 10th HudHud International webinar on “Religion and Management”

We’re looking forward to seeing you online on Tuesday, October 4th, 2022, 11 am to 12:30 pm EST

We’re looking forward to seeing you online on Tuesday, October 4th, 2022, 11 am to 12:30 pm EST

speaker of the webinar

Professor Louis W Fry, Texas University

Being-centered Leadership Theory is based on the worldviews and ontological assumptions of five major religious traditions: Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism and Buddhism, and utilizes five levels of being as context for effective leadership:

1) the physical world;

2) the world of images and imagination;

3) the level of the soul;

4) the level of the Spirit; and

5) the non-dual level.

speaker of the webinar

Professor Louis W Fry, Texas University

To register for the webinar, please fill out the form below

To register for the webinar, please fill out the form below

Imam Sadiq University


HudHud is a symbol of human soul, and sagacious bird in Islam, was the messenger and envoy of the prophet Sulayman